Friday, August 06, 2010

I am thankful

I am foremost thankful for the God who heals.
I know that beyond the physiotherapy, beyond the supplements, beyond the sleeping early...
It was the prayers, the great God who is always in control, who heals.
I am so grateful, you never know how much being able to jog that distant meant to me.
It not only meant I can play hard, but rather, I don't have to burden people whom I love.

I am also thankful for parents and grandparents, for their patience.
No matter where I drift and how hard I fell, they are always there to lead.
Nothing will stop their love for me and my love for them.
I want to please them as much as I can, I should do that, for the fact of how they raised me.

I am thankful for my cg, all of the cgers.
Especially Wenjie, Mel and Fion, people who never went further than a call away.
The cg pushed me to grow nearer to God, in many ways.
Cg opened up a new phase of living for me to explore, living for others.
You never know how much you shaped me.

I am thankful for someone out there, so far away.
So all the care and concerns, shown and kept.
All the effort to tune me back to God, in so many ways.
Thankful for the understanding and patience all these while.

I am thankful for all my church leaders, their lives and testimonies.
How they have sowed in tears helped us to have chance to sing in joy!
Their countless hours thinking, planning and brainstorming fed us into fatty sheeps.
Their prayers, wisdom in understanding God's word and love to warm us, built us up.
How thankful can I be to have people living for the benefit of me, at no cost!

Half-filled cup.
Yes, there is emptiness.
There are areas I struggle so hard, things totally out of own control.

But there is also fullness.
Memories, growth and progress.
Harvest, results and love.

I prefer to see the fullness in days of emptiness...


At August 09, 2010 3:16 PM, Blogger shannO*N*E said...

4 years of blogging,nice


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