Saturday, May 05, 2007

It's all about Loving.

Overheard a conversation of a wife on phone with her husband on my way to school today. "Remember, you didn't just married me. You still have our son." So I started asking myself: "Why did we all press on?" Guilt? Responsibilities? Duty? Conscience? Obligations? Ethics? Memories? Hopes? Where's that thing that started all these? Where's the love?

Ok, just some random thoughts which concluded,
"Recovery of Love" is important.

Another thing today. The Gay Divide. "Can conservatives and liberals ever see eye to eye?" Maybe you think you've heard enough about the debates on gays and legalising them. Maybe you have your stand but was critically shaken and you now no longer hold any stand. Or maybe, you, like me, just cannot understand what's there to debate when the principle is definite?

You were born not because your dad married another dude. Nor is it that your mum married another babe. Likewise, God created Eve for Adam, not another Adam for Adam. Ok, let's just assume you deny any Garden of Eden. And maybe to you human rights exceed moral, freedom surpass values. You may beg to put aside God and all kinds of regulations... As you proclaim gays are contributing citizens and that we should understand their expressions and respect their decisions, have you ever imagined if they were your sons and daughters? Will you, any more, UNDERSTAND AND RESPECT as you claimed you would to other unknown aunties and uncles' children?

Of course we have to understand that changing of hormones is one important factor which led many into these unwanted relationships. Sure we want to hear, understand and respect.
After we hear them, shouldn't we help them?
What's the value of the respect that you're giving when it's not out of love?
The "Hearing", "Understanding" and "Respect" becomes no meaning and purpose when it's all out of the boundary of TRUTHFUL-LOVING.


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