Monday, December 03, 2007

Most Singapore kids are happy - Study

Just realised I have many -.-" posters in my room:

1. Every child is born a potential Genius.
This is real CRAP. If that's so, then what superior meaning does "Genius" holds anymore?

2. Thank you for being my friend.
I bought this poster... Ya, for myself.

3. Smile, and the world smiles with you.
Frankly speaking, who on earth will smile just because you smiled? It's crazy to wish that others smile because you smiled.

4. If you can do it, I can do it too!
Errm... Who is the YOU and the I here?! God knows T.T Self-encourage-poster?!

5. A baby is God's way of saying, "The world should go on."
I'm still deciding if to agree to it.

6. ... We have no limitation, except limitations of our own mind.

Well, THAT is a type of limitation! And THAT can cause our lives.

But more importantly...
New Charisians, Warm Welcome Onboard!


At December 03, 2007 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh...shmck...don be such a pessimist, look on the bright side..

least u hav all those to waste ur wall space on....

i noe, u'll probably hav sth to disagree wif wat i jus said..but, comeon...let me hav my

At December 04, 2007 2:25 PM, Blogger CL said...

I agree with you!

That's why I didn't tear them down... Whenever the words don't make sense, I'll enjoy the picture. And if the picture isn't nice, I'll be reminded of the words.

Motivation posters are suppose to "motivate", aren't they? I'll make them do the job...

At December 04, 2007 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you paid for every penny

At December 05, 2007 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey CL, thanks for posting! our Family photo looks so blissful- though seems like there are some more faces at the LHS not all inside. (someday, we ll be having many pictures taken for just one shot of our BIG family and we have such big picture that we need special effects to hv the many pictures joined together)

QUOTE CL: "1. Every child is born a potential Genius. " -

hey CL, that's IS a fact ok (at the very least it is a theory - many times proven but yet to become a law of fact). it all depends on the developers- like the parents, the teachers, the society and how they mould n shape the potential genius. i may not be genius as in E=mc^2, but maybe i m really a genius in "never say die". CL, you re in genius too, you re "genius" for being our happy ideas fruit, thanks for that. Yay!!


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