Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Privilege of doing it...

Mustn't allow myself to deceive myself.
Mustn't give in to temptations.
Mustn't take short-cuts.

To wake up is a terrible thing to do. I dread it, always. But it's essential. Necessary. MUST. If not life will be meaningless, although zzz is super enjoyable, and essential too. It's like appetizer. It exist because of the main dish. But it seems like I've always enjoy it more than what I should enjoy in. Why -.-"

But to encourage myself,: At least I see it. The problem with myself, that is. Although alot more to go, but this one is a big one... So I'm pretty glad that God still mirrors it to me. Thank You. At least only 22 yrs like a blind fool. However, if I still refuse to do anything, or give up half way to do something, I'll be a self-acknowledge fool. Someone more dumb.

You must give some time to your fellow men.
Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.
~Albert Schweitzer~

I was thinking at how we hurt each other. How we mindlessly wound people around us. How we intentionlessly stab them. Maybe sometimes we didn't hurt them, but we allowed them to bleed. We see their wounds go on unattended, because it'll hurt them to dress the wound up, and. The people may not appreciate... So we lost the courage to do what we should do.

How nice if God gives us Christians all nice and beautiful robes to wear, high and admirable positions to take and also pleasant pretty roles to play. We should be given only tasks to say good things which encourage people, sweet things to build people and also to do things people like. God should give us the secret to evangelise and not be mocked. A wise way to convince people out of sins and yet be appreciated by them. He should put more "advantages" into being a Christian.


A Christian's life isn't like this. God repeatedly remind us not to be conformed to the pattern of the world, not to gain likings from man, not to desire applauses from flesh. He clearly told us people will dislike us, betray us. NO, HE SHOWED US THAT in His own life on earth. He prehand us the manual book of a Christian walk: a tough one, a lonely and often misunderstood one. Since we're never wiser than Him, how can we expect to lead a life like Him (the good ones), and not like Him exactly (those sufferings)?

We have to turn our brains around and acknowledge that: There's no "smart-way" to Heaven. 因为天国是努力进去的。。。I used to admire people who are looked-up upon by people, and wonder how they did it. And I may have tried to be like them, using different ways to win people's hearts and to make friends. I used to hate to say nasty-true things to people. I used to get irritated when people do not appreciate good intentions and appreciate sugar-coated words instead. I used to feel frustrated when I have to give up what urges inside me in order to "fit-in" the crowd.

Coming soon...
Transformation in progress...

In another direction.


Don't fall into the drain without the barriers oh!


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