Thursday, July 26, 2007

"Hi, can I have your order?"

Is it coincidence or what that I had a special guest lecture on India today? India used to be a far away place I was never interested in. But today it seem so close, so attention seeking. The speaker was a 40+ INDIAN, short, plumb and with moustache stretched below his nose. Just like dad. He said Earth is seemingly becoming flatter where boundaries are dropping. Is that really the case? Oh ya! And he said something like, "If you think you can hit and run in India, you'll be hit and ran over." He was trying to bring the point that India values longevity in their business, not overnight fast gains.

Today I attended a very stressful lecture on MR. Mr Pang keep looking at his best student, who happened to sit beside me. I have to act as if I understand the lecture whenever he looks this direction. If you give that "I'm lost" kind of face, he will only stare longer, harder. Constantly slightly nodding and writing notes made the 1hr lecture seemed forever before it ends. -..- But still, looking forward to the day Jacky's going to rap! It'll be fun!

Aiya, whatever laa. I'm here stuck at Mac using their internet connection to do my projectsSSS. So many work piling up but no one will understand if your connection is down or what. Nor if you even have a computer to work on... 10 pages of report by tomorrow means by tomorrow. Present on Tuesday means no matter how many presentations you have that week, you STILL present on Tuesday. That's the helpless part about life, isn't it?

Has been thinking about alot of things lately. Especially more when life gets busy and conflict of priorities and directions sets in. I tend to think more about life's purpose whenever I know I'm losing it either by force or willingly. In a way also to reflect on how far I've come and what I've been doing. Although only have travelling and before-sleep time for me to think, I came to some fruitful conclusions. Fruitful at least to me... Some may not even understand a tiny bit of my reflections. But that's why it's MINE, right?

Come to think of it, life isn't as bad as we voiced it to be. Yes, we are staying back everyday to rush to meet deadlines. Yes, exams are around the corner and I cannot even name all the modules I'm taking. Yes, I'm stuck preparing Word. Yes, people are drifting and effort has to be made to draw them back. Yes, everyday is late night. But it still isn't that bad. At least I'm not as lost as the after Os period when I really slack and do nothing. I feel life depreciate more when I do nothing. At least now I see charts generated, pages of reports typed and full page of to do list... There's always something to give thanks.

'Happily ever after' is those who have no options than living 'happily ever after'.
Divorce are for those who have it as an option from the beginning.
Doesn't fewer facts lead to stronger opinions but fewer options?
Doesn't fewer options lead to richer life in some ways?
How willing are we in restricting ourselves will be reflected in the near future.

Keep thinking about this meaningful chinese phrase which is ZL's favourite:


At July 27, 2007 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

无冈...It's 无冈!!

At July 27, 2007 2:23 PM, Blogger CL said...

Maxx: Huh?! Don't get...

At July 28, 2007 11:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In zl's case, it's not 无风, but rather it's 无冈....

At July 28, 2007 2:56 PM, Blogger CL said...

Orh, his mandarin very off de laa... Haha!


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