Thursday, July 05, 2007


Suddenly had cravings for Donuts after taking my QM results. Ya, you should know how I fare huh... (IIII dddiiiiddd ssstttuudddyyyy, DUH!) Nvm, anyway I needed something sweet to perk me a little, and I thought of donuts. I love donuts only when I need them. And when I need them, I want them that instance. That explains why I don't fancy donuts but usually crave for them.

When on the way home from school, went to YCK Cheers, but they don't have. Thought Admiraty MRT has Cheers outlet, but remembered it was replaced by 7-11 instead. -.-" So when to Admiraty 7-11, walked a few rounds to decide what more to get other than a strawberry donut. Then I saw this advertisement: Hot Ice cream. Hot as in chilli-hot, yea, it looks THAT HOT. Got me curious and so I bought one to try.

Curiosity kills the cat.

WRONG MOVE, it was super duper awful laa! It doesn't taste hot until after the ice cream melts. And it left a spicy feel at the throat. PUI, YUCK, BLEAH, BOO, EEWWW... Threw it right into the bin just outside the store, took out my donut and thought, "At least I still have you!" Throughout the gloomy journey home, I have to keep reminding myself:

1. I didn't waste $1.60, I bought an experience.
2. I ATE donut.

I should be thankful, no?


At July 06, 2007 2:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cl says she'll consider com'n2fetch me,,,wohoowooho.[my last post,let me say mr].hoohoo,she MAYcome means she CNcome nWANA come.she SHLDcome nWILL come.she MUSTcome!!!i'll tel mumi she's e2nd1i'lllook out4,,,n pple,dun bother her ttdae cos she'll b busi ans'n qns.dun wori,ll get joyce2come too.hav a gdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdnite!!!
abt ur qm[watever isit,,,]=studi n jus do ur best.abt donuts=i'll buy sm bk.abt hoticecream=buy nlet me try.i'll hav faith i'll c u.

At July 06, 2007 2:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1cor16:13=do evythg w luv.


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