Sunday, August 26, 2007

Today's a happy day...

Cheng Qing's dad and Shu Ling's mum will be coming to service tomorrow... No, later. WOW O.o Hope tomorrow dad can convey the message into the needy hearts of the congregation. Afterall we only get input of solid and 'qualified' messages on Sunday, haha! Ok, crap, but it's exciting to know they're coming and we'll be seeing them...

There's another thing I'm excited about. I've always thought that being greedy is a sin which backfires as much as the greed in you put in. And stopping to be greedy is the end to fear of the backfire. Never mind if you don't understand what I'm saying. No one will anyway... But I'm really happy today, to be out of the 5 years bondage making me feel sinful always. If not, it never fails to lead me anywhere else than where He intends. Thank you for being so merciless, forcing my fantasy to end. It should, in anyway, so thanks. You know I'm not being sacarstic nor funny here. I'm serious and I mean everything I say.

As my holidays start, I look ahead for a new start to life. I may miss some changes to my day-to-day routines, I may initially feel uncomfortable of the hard and cold reality, but I know I'll benefit more at the end. At least I'll have ONE lesser big-hurdle between me and Him. And that's all it'll take to motivate me to move on with the right 1st step.

Hmm, let's see. How I should talk to my new friend tomorrow.

"Hi, how's life out there?"
"You look so much skinnier! What have you been eating over there?"


At August 27, 2007 1:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha enjoy your hols man! :D give me a call if you're free, we can crap :p

Shuling ^^


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