Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Is Edison right/wrong, good/bad?

We were studying when we heard 98.7FM ask audience about if they think what Edison did was acceptable. And we started dropping our pens and share our different view points.

CL "为什么他要这样?"

A "CL, you have to understand that no matter how much you are educated that taking these kind of pictures are wrong, but out of religious context, it's not wrong! Maybe just no good..."

CL "I think it's wrong and also sick to do that... He should see a doctor. (Most sincerely I said that, not trying to be funny, but really he should consult doctor.)"

SL "It is not good la, but it's not wrong mah. Those who distributes the photos are then in wrong because they exposed others' privacy."

CL "Ya, I agree also that those people shouldn't leak those photos to earn attention. But to compare the weightings of wrongfulness and seriousness of problem, Edison's wrong is more jia-lat lor..."

A "CL you see, he didn't rape or molest. Those girls willingly acknowledge him taking the photos. Technically, he didn't break any criminal law. Although I myself think he's abit sick up there, but indeed the truth is he isn't wrong what."

SL "Agree..."

CL "Not breaking criminal law doesn't mean not wrong lor. Telling a lie to my parents is wrong but still, I wouldn't get caught for doing it. Thus, not all wrong things are covered under laws mah. So he may be in wrong and still not doing something illegal."

A "That's why I say it's not good, but not wrong."

CL "You see, why do we think that this isn't good? Because deep down our conscience tells us it's wrong, but due to the many many different open views in this world plus the increase support of laws(not being able to intervent others' privacy), we have diluted wrong to not good."

A "Frankly speaking, which man don't have such fantasy and needs?"

SL "All guys are like that. Just that some openly say that and others hide better. You never know."

CL "I agree guys are more pron to getting to these kind of trouble, but I don't agree that there aren't some who are free from all these guilt. Depending on where you look for guys."

A "Then tell me where can you look for such good guys? Even if have also all nerdy kind..."

SL "You want to call us to go church to see your church guys right?!"

ALL "HAHA..." (Oh, SL's so right!)

CL "Ok, do you all agree that Edison is morally wrong?"

A & SL "Of course la!"

A "But still, in general, this whole episode about him is just him being superb suay. Because he didn't force he's way to fulfill his needs, he didn't rob or steal. And it's his privacy that we should respect."

CL "Actually, I think this exposure is an important and cannot-miss life lesson for him. The fact is, it is actually doing more good than harm to him. If not, he will not repent and realise he's wrong..."

A "CL, he's not wrong, you think he's wrong because of your religion education. (Edison is a Christian) If Edison today is not a Christian, he's not wrong! Just like when a Malay eats pork he's wrong but when a Chinese of other religion eats pork, there's no wrong. So the wrong lies in him being a Christian."

CL "So you mean a Muslim will be punished by Allah and Chirstians be punished by Jesus and Buddhist punished by GuanYin on Judgment day next time?! Not possible right?"

A "Ya la, but how can you fit your religion's standard upon everyone and assume that your God is real?"

SL "Don't convince her already. She is deeply rooted to her religious thinkings."

CL "I feel quite sad that is because we are now slowly accepting all these nonsense that our next generation will become worse. Imagine if your daughter becomes a lesbian or takes these kind of photos, wouldn't you think it's wrong ans stop her?"

A "I'll ask her why she does that. Because it's not good. BUT NOT WRONG... She has her freedom of choice just as long she stays within the boundaries of law."

CL "You see, you will ask her right?! That's means somethings' not right what..."

A "But not that it's wrong, just that it's not good lor, like what you said!"

CL "... ... ... But really we should reconsider those that we think it's ok but wasn't ok in previous generations. Is it because we want to make ourselves less sinful and in the wrong that we managed to convince our conscience that it's ok to do something that's not right. And if like you all say the world is not as perfect as I think it still may be, the more we should be closing one eye to the wrongs just because everyone's doing it."

SL "Do you believe in 一生一世?"

CL "Of course! If not there wouldn't be meaning to get married."

A "You mean cannot divorce? And you wouldn't remarry after you divorce?"

CL "The WEDDING VOW says to cherish and love each other till the ends of lifetime. Thus, if neither of them haven't end their lifetime, they should still uphold their vows throughout their lifetime. That's also even when your spouse breaks his/hers, you still have to uphold yours mah... "

SL "That's why wedding to you all is a holy matrimony ar?"

CL "Ya lor, so must see carefully mah..."

A "Actually讲难听一点people get married just for the cert to buy a house mah, so the vow doesn't mean anything actually."

SL "And weddings you are kind of forced to take the vow. It's the regulation set mah."

CL "That's why it's so important to choose properly mah... And if both parties put values into the vow, the vow will be of value. But if both parties don't cherish a don't value it, the vow, like nothing, is of no worthiness."

SL "However, what keeps two person together is more than a vow. It's the love, the passion and endurance and trust."

CL "Agree... Agree!"

A & SL "Whao,你真的会为了一个约这样吗?"

CL "Like I say, it's just an ideal way of living, I can't guarantee I'll be able to live that out. But that definitely what should be the way in marriage."

A "I'm going to blog about this and see what's other people's responses..."

CL & SL "Ok, ok... Come, get back to SMK please."

Do you agree:
1. Fulfilling reasonable needs this way = Bad
2. Not legally wrong only morally wrong = Bad
3. Bad is NOT = Wrong (Negotiable)
4. Thus, Edison is NOT WRONG, just NOT GOOD.

You see, end of the day, who really cares if he's wrong, right, bad or good.

Tomorrow's my final revision.
THAT's then my life...


At February 27, 2008 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

helo..dropping by to say ^ hi ^..xD

At February 29, 2008 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey ZhengHang, wah!quite sometime didn't see u around le!

hi CL..i share yr sentiments! (clap claps)
(1) ay, i realised that i should say
fulfilment of selfish WANTS by the indulgement in unreasonable acts->BAD.
(2)AGREE. With so many laws protecting & even promoting immorality, selfcentredness, freedom to do as one please, what's OK under the law could be ultimately wrong.
(3) bad seems less severe than wrong...depends on who defines what s what,isn't it?
(4)oh well..depends on who u ask again... (who cares, right?)

Ultimately, we re back to the question, who gets the last say in the end (yea, end of life)? This is the guideline I 'd rather care about..

At February 29, 2008 7:06 PM, Blogger CL said...

ZH, XY: Hi Hi!!! Thanks for the attention.

Forgot to state my stand btw... Actually I do not agree to 1, 2 and 4. 3 is agreeable because it is negotiable.

1. Fulfilling reasonable needs this way is simply wrong.

2. Not legally wrong only morally wrong is also wrong.

4. Edison is WRONG, every wrong in fact.

You see, the thing is the world is trying to blur the line of sin by allowing WRONG things to become RIGHT only thinking it isn't good. The fact is: Wrong things will always be wrong no matter how many people agree it's right and bad things comes from the conscience telling us it's wrong. This is my stand. Haha...

Annie: I've changed "unreasonable" to "this" already!

Whoever-you-think-you-are: I'm tired repeating.

At March 02, 2008 12:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have alot of stuff 2 say...but, to sum it all up, I agree wif cl la..


not only as a christian, but as a person who wants to have kids to pass their english and can tell that morally "Wrong" is also...(draw an arrow back to) >> "Wrong"..

I rest my case..Cheers, CL.

At March 02, 2008 12:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*kids who(not "to") pass.. :P

At March 02, 2008 12:48 AM, Blogger CL said...


You played so well I thought Sam possessed you...

So I'll forgive you.

At March 02, 2008 7:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



No wonder I suddenly lost my touch when he came....


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