Thursday, January 25, 2007

Have to be Thankful.

Well, I overslept today. Hmmm, but I like myself being involve in meaningful activities till late night. I mean, I like my life to be used in these than the other stuff that don't last eternity. Not wasted in those which ruin as the wind comes or as time passes... You knwo that nothing can fill the void in all of us unless they are things which helps to fulfill your purpose you are breathing this instance. Still, I know I shouldn't oversleep. I do better next time k. ;)

I read from a booklet stating so many things to remmeber, so many things to forget in life. Forgetting things which makes us sad, remembering things which makes us glad. Forgetting friends who hurt us, remember those who stuck by us. Forgetting troubles that have passed, remembering blessings we enjoyed...
Haven't you realise that we cannot choose what to remember and what to forget?!

You cannot remember to forget something, you will only end up remembering it better. Don't believe, GO TRY. The best way to really forget is to not focus on it. AND then focus on the other things to replace the memory space. But then, if you cannot not focus on something which really bugs you, congrates! You should actually face it.

Although I have so much to share, but I still stuck with some of life's little edges to breakthrough. In our meeting yesterday, something that was said struck me. "A healthy person give thanks." Well, not that I do not know a healthy person give thanks but it didn't occur to me that by giving thanks, I can grow healthier. So, shouldn't I be thankful? Although I feel like slapping myself for being so dumb for so long, looking forward to something which is doesn't even exist... But still, I want to give thanks!

Thankful that I do not have everything I desire.
If I do, what's there to loo
k forward to?

Thankful for my limitations.
That would mean that I have opportunities to learn.

Thankful for the difficult times.
During those times I grow most.

Thankful for all challenges along the way.
Because they will build my strength and character!

Thankful for the mistakes made.
They taught me valuable lessons.

Thankful for feeling tired and weary.
It just means I have made effort in life.

Thankful for all the setbacks I've met.
Because a fulfilling life comes to those who at least tried but failed.

Thank You for the love and grace You displayed upon the Cross with Nails.
As long as I'm still alive, I want to spend my whole life fulfilling the purpose in me.

Life need not be wealthy. If you think in-dept, you know it need not be healthy as well. I have learnt not to ask for understanding and justice. Life is not about pleasing or explaining ourselves to people. So let's give up trying to serve two God. Because we only have a heart each...


At January 26, 2007 7:13 PM, Blogger Love Your Life..... =) said...

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At January 26, 2007 11:19 PM, Blogger CL said...


I deleted your comment coz u very vulgar la...
Of coz can go out, but best is after my exams(ends 9th feb).

And. Please be more 'unpolluted' nest time ehh...

At January 27, 2007 11:20 AM, Blogger Love Your Life..... =) said...


I where got Vulgar.. I am very Guai and good lor!! wahaAaahaha!!

dun wan le..Wahaha!!!

vIsit my bloggeR iF u fRee.. No Vulgarity theRe de..

puRe liM kukuku!!!wahaaahh!!


At January 29, 2007 8:49 PM, Blogger CL said...

Opps... Sorry! Will visit laa, kuku-lim.

At January 30, 2007 9:15 AM, Blogger Love Your Life..... =) said...

leaVe a Tag meSsage iF poSsible loRrr..sTupiDdd gUrl..

Weii.. tHis wEd.. You fReee?!!!


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