Tuesday, May 16, 2006

MI3 day~ Because she trusted, he loved.

What kind of person will you be when you are old, wrinkled and slow-moving?? The older you grow, the lesser things in life matters. That's why elders always know what to focus in their life. They know what matters and what not. They know what stays and what comes and go... Thus, they know what to hold on to and what to let go of~ I have poeple in mind whom I want to grow to become, my grandma is one of them!

Today, went to watch MI3 ( not IM3 huh...) with churchies. Hmm, Poseidon was nicer, I must say~ But still nice though. I have something that I don't know if it's good. I like to link everything that happens along the path of my day to my life. Especially some little things like songs I hear or movies I watch. That's why people always say they don't understand my blog... Well, now you know why. I think too much. I imagine too well. I try to fit myself into different people as much as I can, unless if I don't understand them. I will think: if I were them, I will do it this way and that will lead to that and then this... ... ... Then when it comes to a dead end, or to a decision when I don't know howto consider, I skip. Either to the next situation or the next person. That's how my mind works. Pretty self-centered huh~

Maybe that's what makes me float here and there in dreams then find it hard to get back to real life? How can these two worlds link? Though I can't do much, but some parts at least? How do I be the person I want to, as I face my realities? I want to respond and act like my heros in my dreams, but how do I in reality? That's why it all comes to the bottom line:

I need just Him.

Whatever that isn't seemed fair when comes out from God, will be fair. Whatever that seemed unloving when done by our Lord will become love. Whatever that seemed deciving when taught by Jesus, is the truth! Now can you see why I need just Him to get everything in line? Sadly, it isn't easy at all to walk in faith. We need more than self-discipline and determination to do that, we need the Spirit.

However, as always, it's not that the Spirit wasn't there, or that God didn't want to help, but we're not patient enough to wait. Our perserverance are easily shaken. Our love depends on others, we react and not respond. God is like screaming: "I'm here, child! I'm here. Come to Me!" And I walk all directions except towards Him and ask "Why are you not here? I need You." Then walk away further from Him. One of the two of us must be blinded. If God cannot be blind, then is me. Then is me who's unreasonable. God let us have our choice. We have the freedom. But at the same time, we bear the consequences.

Am I fit or daring to try God? I don't dare, but hope my actions reflect that!


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