Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Fri, pls rain~

Today, lots of little things happened, and led to many thoughts and reflections. Two small boys came to our store today. One 7 and another 6 plus. Macus and David. Smart boys. I like the way their parents talked to them, treat them like adults. And so they behave nicely! This led me on to think how hard is it to educate own kids. To love them and to show them to be enthusiastic in every right thing they are doing, this is NOT at all easy. Faithful parents bear lasting fruits. Consistent teachings, from the Bible, is the way to moulding a life.

Next, to recall the conver my friends had in store today was horrendeous. They were "competiting" how vulgar their language can go. And they seemed enjoying themselves, yes, even the victims laugh their selves off~ I was like "duh?!" do you know that they are talking about you?? But glad that I made my firm stand on these. I made myself heard and managed to bring out the values I believe in. It was never fun being out-casted just because of my holy-believes. However, deep deep deep down, I felt good! I lived out His life~ Now, what else matters more?

Another thing that made my thoughts spin, the queue. You know what chocks up the queue in cheers? People who are unprepared. Those who haven't take out their wallet from their enormous bag and only to start searching for it when they reached the counter. That keeps everyone waiting when you could have just do it while waiting. Faithful people are always prepared, and you know you can depend on them! You don't have to worry about what you hand them, the project, proposal or your life. You know that when they say they will do it, they just will. It's a pain to work with unfaithful people. That's why it's always painful to work with me, haha...

Another thing is about the ability to believe in self. When I see some people being very influential in school, I wonder how much more I can accomplish if I were them. But what happen next stopped me from being envious, what I have which they don't: Life, Christ's power in life. I realised that I can live best when I picture and always remind myself that I'll reap whatever I sow. "Will you buy that car from the rental shop which you've just abused last week?" RW asked in his book. I love to start each day praying, because you'll definately need God's strength to glorify the Lord in every tiny areas. And believe it or not that He answers. Really. I recognise my effort in making a mark of Christ by telling myself: "Well, they don't understand you for the moment. But someday they will, if you keep that up." 1Cor 3:18 is a powerful reminder to how we should live.

So, I've always love to say: Someday everything will be fine. And I truly believe that, that someday will come. It will. When it's finally here, you'll say:

"It's all worth it. It's paying off~"

Poeple, strive on, there's more in yourself to discover today! Cheers.


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