Tuesday, May 02, 2006

more of WHAT and less of WHAT?

"There is only one solution. You do not need more from the Lord, because He has given Himself completely to you already! You just need less of everything else."

Read that in someone's blog. Meaningful ehh~ It reminded me the story of the prodigal's son. The focus of that whole story is on his brother. The one who was really out of home. He asked for his father's attention by wanting his dad to take what belongs to him(already) to his hand. What he needed wasn't more father's care and concern. His dad gave everything that he himself had since he was born. What he needed was less jealousy.

Rick Warren said that being FOCUSED is not only to list down what we aim to do, but also what we aim NOT to do. Coz very often than not, these "unecessary plans/activities" in life draws us further from our aim. And these activities may not be wrong or bad, but just not good. Such as sleeping more hours than we usually need; spending money on the best things in the materialistic world. To be focused, we need to cut lots of things in life that we might have enjoyed. I have to remind myself I don't live for men, but for God in everything that I do. Well, but I live towards some people. Hmm, wait till I know how to explain this.

You know what's the best part about waiting? It's about knowing there may be better plans than this... So you're more hopeful, always postitive and excited! How great is life, WAITING.


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