Thursday, April 20, 2006

Focused Life

Recently have been overly-exhausted because of the stress in school. And wow. It's more than I estimated it will.. And I can knockout and even missed 2 wednesday meetings at my house! Gosh, that's very bad and I gotta do something. Bladding from morning till midnight also not that tiring lor~ But anyway, tests are opportunities to grow love, hope and faith.

Well, I think I can handle the finance better of you wouldn't come by and "care" so much.. I might do better! Hah. But whatever it is, you really do deserve our holidays and so Stay At Home. As for the visitations: "Thanks, but no thanks." Yea, and I'll improve!!

It's human nature to get distracted by minor issues. Many people spin around at a frantic pace but never going anywhere. Without a clear purpose, we keep changing directions, relationships, churches, or other externals--hoping each change will settle the previous problem, confusion or fill the emptiness in our hearts. We think: "Maybe this time will be different." But it doesn't solve our real problem-- Lack Of Focus and Purpose. We need more convictions than opinions. Opinions are our thinking, feelings that can change easily. But convictions are principles you can die for. As we set out a purpose driven life, we need to not only set what we want to do, but also things we DON'T want. Just in case they choke up our life. We can be overloaded with trash too!
[Wholesale copy from: Purpose Driven Life] I'm not that smart to come out with all these k~

That's something about pruning. Gotta go for badminton tonight, so maybe share with those interested when I'm free ya? Sometimes I feel like digging my heart to let you see what I intend to say, but many may not be interested to what I have to say. Nvm, forget all that CL said. But know what our God has to say! Read the Bible.. I'm learning to read... It's always too soon to say: "I quit."


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