Wednesday, May 24, 2006

How much you want it??

There are so many things we want in life. We want to be loved, that Esprit pants, Mac's twister fries, good results, good friendship, stable family, faithful spouse, punctuality at work, fixed savings per month, make parents happy... So many things that we want! And are mostly good aims. But why most of the times we get anything but the good? It's all because of one thing that we miss, the value of it. I'll always remember someone told me in cab:

"It's not about what you want(everyone's quite clear), but how much you want it."

We can complain for all we can that things don't go smoothly as we have done our best. Haven't you said that before? "But I've done my best!!" Well, JT gets really mad when people anyhow say they have done their best, which I agree that we shouldn't say BEST when we've only TRIED. They're a whole world different. Let's not set such a low standard on ourselves. But though, I still buy things to reward myself once in a blue blue moon~ Hee!

How namy times I give up doing good which I could have insisted on? Just because of hunger, anger, pride, laziness, impatient?? Some may see this as a small matter, but I see it as a mark of our faithfulness. (Which is a BIG matter afterall~)What can make us stop persuding something we used to want? And if we were to give it up THAT easily, were we even fit to say that we made an effort to get it?? You understand? It's just like building a relationship with anyone. You say, "I want to be your friend." And you start making simple efforts such as talking or going out for a movie or a meal. But when little problems start to surface, (different perseptions, or views) you start to withdraw from making extra efforts to amend whatever lacking. You give up explaining something that clashes your idea to that person. You start to see that your time spent with that person is eating too much of your free time and you want it reduced. You start to question if you still want to make that friendship work. You start to think that MAYBE, that person is just not too "your-group-type". And then, you question yourself for the initial idea of wanting this relationship work. See how easily are we influenced and challenged to stay faithful? More so when it comes to good work~

If so, then that's what I'm talking about. You haven't want this friend or this thing so badly that nothing can stop your determination to get it. If little thing and small waves can shake your intial WANTs' determination and faithfulness, then I question if you really did want it in the first place. Now, I really have gotta list down what I REALLY WANT in life, and use my as usual-shocking and extreme actions to show it. To show what I want in life and that I must get it.


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