Friday, August 25, 2006

To all Charisians:

I'm Back!! From all the hours cramping in HZ's little car and from the beautiful beach and comfortable hotel rooms... I'm sure to miss them though~ But, Charisians! You are so fortunate man. The way they have prepared the routes, rooms, time schedules and activities...
They have definately gone that extra mile to miximise the enjoyment for our end of year camp.

Mushi has the "Is this the best?" for every decision made.
Mummy and Zhenni always asked "Is this the cheapest?" for every finance budgeting required.
Anthony, Ah Sun, HZ and Sam have their maps, brochures and leaflets ready at ALL times, living the "What's more?" attitude.
Shimu, Mary, Auntie Anna and me always support whenever we can. Well, I'm proud of what I did! I stayed awake to look out for toilets, to see if we've lost any of the following cars or to run errands...

There are more to discuss after all the fun and enjoying work. Seriously, the more I know about our church's financial records, the more thanks-giving I give to God. Most Charisians are faithful in their tithings and I believe that was the reason why we always manage to scrap-through each year~ God's grace and mercy falls upon those who made Him smile by being faithful. So people, remember it's always wise to give more to God. Have you ever given more than you can? That's when God will bless you more than what you can handle! WOW... How great and awesome is our Lord! 0203, we are poor people, but you know something? Our God loves to use the smallest and weakest of all He has to do great things no one ever dare to dream of! But, it comes together with FAITH.

I've realised over recent years that there are many "little foxes" in us and outside us trying their very best to try break us up. These foxes may be some habits, money or materials, some lousy values, some characters, some are people around us... Always those things/people who can affect us a fair bit. Don't pray that these foxes don't bug you, God uses them to train us! But pray for the strength to IDENTIFY these foxes. Then pray that we have the strength to OVERCOME them!

If our God is for us, who can be against us? Only ourselves... We can be against God if we choose to.

Don't say "Use Me" if we haven't calculate the sacrifices needed to carry our crosses and follow Jesus.
(Get your calculators NOW~)


At August 26, 2006 12:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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