Monday, January 30, 2006

I not stupid too...

Okay, if you think that the title is readlly lame and makes you sound stupid, dun be fooled. Didn't like the title too, but it WAS indeed a nice show! Lots of values imprinted in it. Something I learnt from the show? It'll be this: "F-A-M-I-L-Y=Father And Mother, I Love You." Hee~

In the show, as usual, parents don't understand kids and vice versa. When is these kind of relationships going to end? I mean, will it ever improve as generations passes by?? I hope so... It seems really tedious to understand why parents are so naggy while parents never seems to understand why children are simply rebellious. People outside the picture is always the fastest to comment and as if they can solve the whole issue themselves. Today, I was that someone outside the picture myself...

It seems so hard to ask tell my parents, 'Hey, I want to spend part of my ang bao money giving you a treat for loving me these years.' It's like so not me... Haiz, don't know if I have the coura
ge to do so. I hope I can. Anyway, the show said something like:

'Parents love you so much. So much that they don't know how to give that love.'

I think it's rather true. It's just how well you can express love to people around you. Nothing sophisticated. Just learning to react to how we feel in while in others' shoes. And it seems that I'll never learn. That's the reason why I've always been an admirer to expressive people?? Can never be like them. Impressed when they can do a few little things and let the memories last eternity, or reasoning out a complicated explaination using just simple sentences. Clear, short and sweet...

BUT! I'll never give up being someone who generously showering warmth to people. I like to make them feel at home. That 's the best feeling... But before I master that skill, bear with me. I want to do something in my family~ and make everyone feel needed, wanted. Wouldn't mind watching it again at all!!!



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