Monday, March 06, 2006

Luke 23:34

Now I know how my body works. When moody: do devotion, do a "all to You" prayer then go sleep. Yea~ That will be the way! And it really works! Cold here, so cold that I'm shievering, can you believe it?! Ohh, I saw a crokroach at my doorway in the evening, so I persuaded my mum to on my room's aircon, then I can close my door. Thanks to my dad. Always so helpful~ Haha! But switching it off as soon as I finish this message, my fishes are freezing, I think...

Do you know why people let their anger grow to become hatred? Because they replay the incident, the conversation, the hurt, the insult in their minds over and over again. These build the anger in us and CAN go out of control! Well, I read a Bible verse yesterday during devotion, Luke 23:34. And will always remember. This is how merciful and gracious our Lord is. He's always there watching over, even when we shake His hands off ours.

This is the role model of forgiveness. Note, immediately Jesus said that prayer for them, His clothes were torn by the guards whom He just prayed for! Wonder if He felt "DUH, I just prayed for YOU!". But for sure, He must have felt disgusted. A holy man, someone who has never experinced sinning has become a "world-class" sinner. Someone who bears the consequences of ALL SINS. Do you still remember how you felt when you did something sinful for the first time?! The feeling can make you go down on knees and cry for hours, isn't it? I felt stained and disgusted too, that's why Jesus must have felt that too...

Hah, thought of a song: The first cut is the deepest. Jesus must be feeling millions and billions of discomfort, after all the beatings and insults served upon Him. But, He felt bad because His Father has turned away from Him, too. Do you know that the departure of someone you have always held dearly to can bring mental disorder easily? In human being, the highest stress level factor in a person is usually death of spouse. [Those unsual people who are simply glad that their marriage vow is over is not normal...] Father has turned His eyes aways from His beloved Son, because of us.

God, teach me how to have a wider heart, more love, deeper understanding for a wider range of people. Only then, can my faith not be easily shaken by the tiny pebbles that Satan plant on my path. I want to be deeply involved in Your work and please use me. I want to do great things for You, if not, always let me have a chance to help directly in the area of Evangelising. Give me wisdom and courage. And the guide me to become pleasing to Your eyes~

I just want to please You alone.


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