Thursday, March 30, 2006


Some highlights for today.
Brother gave me the dumbest "Horlicks" cap. He got it free and so he decorated it with liquid paper with "cool" wordings like, No Rules... And asked me to wear to meet boyfriend -.- Since when has someone told him I have one?! Then went yiqi's house, ate ice-cream and pineapple. And sang the heartless song~ Haha, quite fun actually, but still... Bad of us laaa! Went badminton, talked to zhenghang. And oh ya! There's a mentally disabled man[used to be in my parents' TQ] who keeps interupting our conver. Still claimed that he carried me before?! Duh, how can my parents be so careless?? I'll forgive them, coz I'm worse. I lost a book that I borrowed. That Rick Warren book... Arrrggghhh~ Not being to finish it is bad enough, what made it worse was that I have to buy one to return to her...

To: You, I really appreciate the truthful you. Although it hurts to know the truth, but at least it's something deep down from you. Isn't it good for the both of us? Honesty is the best policy. :) Now, I feel like an uncaged bird! :D

Luke 22:54-62
Is Peter faithful? As a human being, I think he was. Even though he denied God. His love for God still stands, just that in moment of weaknesses and fear, he fell. This shows how weak human's faithfulness is. Who can actually count on me? I think less than 7 people ba. Why should we be faithful? Well, Proverbs 25:19 says, "Like a bad tooth or a lame foot is reliance on the unfaithful in times of trouble." It simply means that unfaithful people are a pain to others! Wow~ I've always been a pain?! t.t Sorry... When Peter promised that he wouldn't deny God at the table, he meant it. Just like when I promised certain things to be done at first, I meant it to be completed. But somewhere in me, the evil; lazy and forgetful me, just put thoses promises at the back of my mind. Sometimes what I promised my brother that I'll buy for him didn't even register in my mind. It's just to get him to stop nagging. Being faithful is a tough homework to learn, but we all gotto learn it fast. Coz God tells us to be faithful Now! Daddy once said: "Over-promising is actually lying."

I want to be faithful! To my parents, friends, church, and future spouse... I want to stand by them in times of need. Lord, teach me how to be faithful in all areas. How I manage time, money and my abilities... If I need pinches from You from time to time, pinch me to remind that You're right here beside me, watching my every move.

This is the end of my 2nd day of my new start. Not too bad after all~


At April 03, 2006 1:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo..who's "YOU"? what truth? hee..
share leh...dun selfish lor..i tell you so much but you nv let me know anything..not fair..

At April 03, 2006 6:51 AM, Blogger CL said...

lalala~ nothing la. nothhing worth any attention, so dun worry! :)


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